Hi I'm Nick.

You can find me on

LinkedIn, Last.fm, StoryGraph, GitHub, Stack Overflow & Instagram

I am a

People centered leader, focused on creating impact.

You can find out more about me

In a few pixels

I work on

Lots of projects

I work at

Major League Hacking

I'm pretty easy to get ahold of


Oh, and also

Loons are my favorite animal

About Me

Hi, I'm Nick Quinlan. I live in Seattle, WA and am Chief Operating Officer at Major League Hacking. Previously, I was a SendGrid Developer Evangelist.

I've been using (or more like been glued to) computers since the age of three, just ask my parents. At age five, I may have had one of the most well planned and marketed lemonade stands a five year old has ever had.

Nicholas Quinlan's Lemonade Stand

Since then, I've been using my love of technology, business, and lemonade to lead communities, educational initiatives, and technical organizations.

Work & Volunteering

I'm passionate about the work I do, here's I'm up to and where I've been.